
2019 AUI Trustee Scholarship Winners

2019 AUI Trustee Scholarship Winners

Below are the winners of the 2019 AUI Trustee Scholarship competition conducted by International Scholarship and Tuition Services, Inc. These students will each receive an award of $3,500 per year to aid in defraying expenses at the college or university of their choice. Chloe Hellerman Chloe Hellerman will graduate as valedictorian from Nelson...

Radio Astronomy and Black Holes

Radio Astronomy and Black Holes

How a Telescope Made Mostly of Nothing Became Astronomy’s ‘Killer App’ Astronomers have captured the first direct visual evidence of a black hole at the center of Messier 87 (M87), a giant elliptical galaxy 55 million light-years from Earth. This unprecedented observation was made possible by the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT), an array of eight...

AUI Selects Mr. Kevin Doran – Director Education, Policy & Social Science

AUI Selects Mr. Kevin Doran – Director Education, Policy & Social Science

Associated Universities Inc. (AUI) is pleased to announce the selection of Mr. Kevin L. Doran, J.D., as the Director of Education, Policy, and Social Science Programs, effective 21 March 2019. In this role, Doran oversees AUI’s education, policy and social science portfolio and leads our growth into new domains such as eLearning, major public...

Around the World in 8 meetings

Around the World in 8 meetings

AUI and AWB travel the Embassy Circuit to Bring New Opportunities to South America Washington DC – A casual stroll down Embassy Row can send a traveler from one continent to another in matter of seconds. Associated Universities, Inc. (AUI) and Astronomers Without Borders (AWB) recently made such a trip to bring a stellar experience to the...