Let’s Make Scientific Breakthroughs Possible, Together.
For over seventy years, AUI has been turning dreams into reality, speculation into Nobel Prizes, ideas into giant scientific facilities and impressions into new disciplines of science. We enable amazing outcomes when partners seek our expertise to facilitate tomorrow’s innovations. We invite you to contact us, and then, together, we can coalesce your thoughts into impactful scientific objectives.
Work with Us

Collaboration Opportunities
We forge strong and meaningful partnerships through various contract models. We offer operations and management excellence, e-learning curriculum development and evaluations, cybersecurity expertise, and methods to convene science and policy workshops.

Our stellar ambitions necessitate highly specialized sensors, detectors, amplifiers, optics, and electromagnetic components. These technologies are useful beyond astronomical applications and available for industrial and commercial electronics.

Sponsor Research
You’ve got problems! See how we can help! For over 70 years our sponsors have relied on our support to investigate and develop new branches of science. AUI provides the benefits of fundamental and applied research. Become a sponsor or make a gift today.

Start a Venture
We transform great ideas into amazing technologies, facilities and discoveries. Through AUI Labs Fermi Alliance, we are incubating the solutions to tomorrow’s greatest challenges. Explore how to materialize your vision.

Industry Partnerships
We are actively seeking industrial partnerships through AUI’s Center for American Supply Chain Resilience. We aim to identify research gaps and technology development needs, integrate workforce development activities, and promote the rapid transition and deployment of technologies to green the supply chain.

AUI has enabled improvements in communications antennas, transistors, cryogenic coolers, medical and scientific imaging, time and frequency standards, atomic clocks, GPS navigation, 911 emergency call location, and precision spacecraft navigation. Explore what AUI can make with you.