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A Message from the Board

AUI is an agile, dynamic and inclusive scientific facilities management organization, co-creating scientific value in partnership with the academic research community and the federal government. That is why we have chosen leaders in our Board of Trustees who are prominent research scientists, active users of AUI facilities, and members with expertise relevant to solving the nation’s toughest challenges. AUI is well positioned to serve the national and scientific interest as a neutral body within its relevant scientific communities; it is mission-centric rather than representing the special interests of any specific entity or group.

As the pioneer of the user facility model, we continue to lead in the creative development and management of partnerships, tools, and facilities to address challenges too large for any singular institution to own. As a research-focused, not-for-profit manager of scientific facilities for the benefit of the research community, AUI can adapt its strategy and reconfigure the range of skills represented by the members of its Board of Trustees as required to meet emerging challenges.

Numerous Nobel Prize winners, and members of the National Academies have served on the AUI Board of Trustees, bringing their problem-solving talents to unlock the mysteries of the universe and address national challenges. Throughout our history, we have continued to make scientific breakthroughs possible. Through the design, construction, and management of ALMA, BNL, VLA, and GBO we have enabled the imaging of a black hole event horizon, countless advancements in the field of physics and nuclear medicine, discovery of planetary disc formation, founding of interstellar organic chemistry, and discovery of binary pulsars.

With the support of our Board, AUI continues to make scientific breakthroughs possible, and solve challenges facing the underserved sectors who often lack the human and financial resources to meet managerial, operational, and cybersecurity challenges. The AUI Board is committed to realizing the broadest public benefits that flow from vigorous scientific research. As part of this commitment, AUI supports effective programs of education and public outreach, and seeks to help build a scientific enterprise that is broadly diverse and representative of our society.

Board Members

Rachel Akeson

Rachel Akeson

Senior Scientist, IPAC, California Institute of Technology

Adam Cohen

Adam Cohen

President and CEO, AUI; AUI Trustee, ex officio

Dean W. Currie

Dean W. Currie

Vice President for Business and Finance (Retired), California Institute of Technology

Kathy Flanagan

Kathy Flanagan

Senior Scientist, Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI)

Kelly Fox

Kelly Fox

Executive Vice President Finance and Administration, Rice University

Tony Hey

Tony Hey

Chief Data Scientist, Science and Technology Facilities Council (UK)

Mark Kontos

Mark Kontos

Chief Financial Officer, The MITRE Corporation, Retired

Jay Marx

Jay Marx

Former Executive Director, LIGO Laboratory, California Institute of Technology

Derrick H. Pitts

Derrick H. Pitts

Chief Astronomer and Planetarium Programs Director, The Franklin Institute

Eric M. Wilcots

Eric M. Wilcots

Mary C. Jacoby Professor of Astronomy, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Christine Wilson

Christine Wilson

AUI Chair,
Professor of Physics & Astronomy, McMaster University

Michael W. Wise

Michael W. Wise

General and Scientific Director, SRON Netherlands Institute for Space Research

Honorary Trustees

Malcolm R. Beasley

Theodore and Sydney Rosenberg Professor of Applied Physics, Emeritus, Stanford University

Roger-Maurice Bonnet

International Space Science Institute, Switzerland

Barry Cooperman

Professor of Chemistry, University of Pennsylvania

Roscoe Giles

Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Boston University (BU)

Martha Haynes

Goldwin Smith Professor of Astronomy, Cornell University

E. Scott Kirkpatrick

Professor, School of Engineering and Computer Science, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Eugene H. Levy

Andrew Hays Buchanan Professor of Astrophysics, Rice University

John J. Lively

Director of Administration and Finance (Retired), Carnegie Institution for Science, Washington, DC

Lyman A Page, Jr.

James S. McDonnell Distinguished University Professor of Physics, Princeton University

H. Warren Moos

Research Professor and Gerhard H. Dieke Professor Emeritus of Physics and Astronomy, Johns Hopkins University

James M. Moran

Donald H. Menzel Professor of Astrophysics, Harvard University, Senior Scientist, Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory

Anneila I. Sargent

Ira S. Bowen Professor of Astronomy, California Institute of Technology

Joseph H. Taylor, Jr.

James S. McDonnell Distinguished University Professor of Physics, Princeton University

William J. Welch

Professor Emeritus, University of California, Berkeley