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Army Aviators Drop in for Tour of VLA

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Exploring How STEM Identities are Formed

Through funding from the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF), Associated Universities Inc. (AUI), Tumble Media and the STEM Transformation Institute at Florida International University (FIU) are collaborating to support the STEM identity and literacy development of regionally and culturally diverse Latine families through podcast-initiated science talk at home. Seventeen episodes will be recorded for this project in Spanish and English.

Astronomers Make Highest-Resolution Observations Ever from Earth

The Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) Collaboration has conducted test observations with the highest resolution ever obtained from the surface of the Earth. This feat was achieved by detecting light from distant galaxies at a frequency of around 345 GHz, equivalent to a wavelength of 0.87 mm. The Collaboration estimates that, in the future, they will be able to make black hole images 50% more detailed than before. This improvement will sharpen images of supermassive black holes, and allow astronomers to image more black holes than ever before.

Army Aviators Drop in for Tour of VLA

As part of a training event, the U.S. Army’s C Company, 3rd Battalion, 501st Aviation Regiment, Combat Aviation Brigade, First ArmoredDivision, based at Fort Bliss, Texas, made a stop at the Karl Jansky Very Large Array on February 20. Arriving in five UH-60 Blackhawk helicopters, they landed and met NRAO staffers for a guided tour of the radio telescope facility. The Army personnel learned about the scientific work and the technology of the VLA, and in turn answered many questions from NRAO personnel about their aircraft and their experiences in serving our nation. The training exercise was the last flight for their company commander, Capt. Chloe Flores, before her retirement from active duty. Following the tour, the aviators provided an impressive show as the five powerful helicopters lifted off and departed the VLA site.

Recent News

Exploring How STEM Identities are Formed

Through funding from the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF), Associated Universities Inc. (AUI), Tumble Media and the STEM Transformation Institute at Florida International University (FIU) are collaborating to support the STEM identity and literacy development of regionally and culturally diverse Latine families through podcast-initiated science talk at home. Seventeen episodes will be recorded for this project in Spanish and English.

Astronomers Make Highest-Resolution Observations Ever from Earth

The Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) Collaboration has conducted test observations with the highest resolution ever obtained from the surface of the Earth. This feat was achieved by detecting light from distant galaxies at a frequency of around 345 GHz, equivalent to a wavelength of 0.87 mm. The Collaboration estimates that, in the future, they will be able to make black hole images 50% more detailed than before. This improvement will sharpen images of supermassive black holes, and allow astronomers to image more black holes than ever before.