
AUI Statement on Racial Equity

AUI Statement on Racial Equity

As the nation continues to mourn and respond to the unjust death of George Floyd, there is no doubt that violent race-related incidents and the subsequent protests and clashes are the most urgent need for us as a society to address. Further, to address them, we must acknowledge that these are just the latest incidents of the systemic,...

2020 AUI Scholarship Winners

2020 AUI Scholarship Winners

Below are the winners of the 2020 AUI Scholarship conducted by International Scholarship and Tuition Services, Inc. These students will each receive an award of $3,500 per year to aid in defraying expenses at the college or university of their choice. Lexington Miller Lexington is a senior at East River High School in Orlando, Florida, where she...

NRAO Grote Reber Fellow Thankful Cromartie Receives Prestigious Einstein Fellowship

NRAO Grote Reber Fellow Thankful Cromartie Receives Prestigious Einstein Fellowship

Thankful Cromartie, a NRAO Grote Reber doctoral fellow at the University of Virginia’s Department of Astronomy, has received an Einstein Fellowship under the prestigious NASA Hubble Fellowship Program (NHFP). The program enables outstanding postdoctoral scientists to pursue independent astrophysical research. Each fellowship provides the awardee...

Something is Lurking in the Heart of Quasar 3C 279

Something is Lurking in the Heart of Quasar 3C 279

Event Horizon Telescope Images of a Black-Hole Powered Jet One year ago, the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) Collaboration published the first image of a black hole in the nearby radio galaxy M 87. Now the collaboration has extracted new information from the EHT data on the distant quasar 3C 279: they observed the finest detail ever seen in a jet...