
The Epoch of Planet Formation, Times Twenty

The Epoch of Planet Formation, Times Twenty

ALMA Campaign Provides Unprecedented Views of the Birth of Planets Astronomers have cataloged nearly 4,000 exoplanets in orbit around distant stars. Though the discovery of these newfound worlds has taught us much, there is still a great deal we do not know about the birth of planets and the precise cosmic recipes that spawn the wide array of...

AUI Board of Trustees October 2018 Meeting

AUI Board of Trustees October 2018 Meeting

The AUI Board of Trustees met in Arlington, VA on October 25-26, 2018. Following President Adam Cohen’s overview of AUI, and reports from the Board and Governance Committees, the Board elected Eric Wilcots and Christine Wilson to serve as the next Board Chair and Vice-Chair of the AUI Board of Trustees, and appointed new Trustees Frank G. Klotz,...

“Speed Dating” to Promote STEM Careers

“Speed Dating” to Promote STEM Careers

ASTRONOMY INSPIRES CHILEAN GIRLS   Sixty-two girls from Puente Alto, Quilicura, and Toconao took part in the AstroTáctil exhibition and an innovative “speed dating” event so ambassadors from various STEM careers could meet with the girls and share the excitement of astronomy in a one-on-one setting.   With the purpose of inspiring young...

Michael Holstine on the Green Bank Telescope and listening to the whispers of the universe

Michael Holstine on the Green Bank Telescope and listening to the whispers of the universe

The Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope (GBT) in Green Bank, West Virginia, US is the world's largest fully steerable radio telescope. It is situated in the National Radio Quiet Zone, a unique area where authorities limit all radio transmissions to avoid emissions toward the GBT. The location of the telescope within the Radio Quiet Zone allows...