While surveying hydrogen (HI) gas in Low Surface Brightness (LSB) galaxies an astronomer made an unusual discovery, presented today in a press conference at the American Astronomy Society’s annual meeting.
Mystery of Star Formation Revealed by Hearts of Molecular Clouds
Jan 9, 2024
An international team of astronomers has revealed mysterious star formation at the far edge of the galaxy M83. This research was presented in a press conference at the 243rd meeting of the American Astronomical Society (AAS) in New Orleans, Louisiana.
New type of Fast Radio Burst discovered in Green Bank Telescope data
Oct 20, 2023
An international team of researchers have discovered radio pulses from the distant universe that last only millionths of a second.
American Physical Society Recognizes Green Bank Observatory as Historic Site
Sep 18, 2023
The American Physical Society has designated the National Science Foundation’s Green Bank Observatory (GBO) as a Historic Site, recognizing it as the location of some of the most fundamental discoveries in astrophysics and astronomy.