On 19 November 2015, the National Science Board (NSB) authorized the National Science Foundation (NSF) to award a new 10-year, $862 million cooperative agreement to Associated Universities, Inc. (AUI) for the management and operation of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO), starting in FY2017. This announcement caps an open competition...
AUI President’s statement condemning sexual harassment
Oct 30, 2015
There has been significant media attention recently to a report about a sexual harassment case by a tenured faculty member at a major university, leading to much introspection within the astronomy community and at research institutions across the country. Associated Universities, Inc. (AUI), the managing organization of the National Radio...
Listen to the Music of a Dying Star
Oct 29, 2015
The ALMA Music Box, currently on display in Japan, now available on iTunes Music from the ALMA Music Box — an audio artwork that plays melodies created from ALMA observations — is now available to be purchased in the iTunes store, on the compilation set “Music for a Dying Star”. R Sculptoris, a massive red giant star located roughly 1000...
White House Star Party
Oct 21, 2015
AUI and NRAO Attend the White House Astronomy Night The evening of October 19 brought telescopes, astronomers, astronauts, astronomy educators, and more than 200 students to the South Lawn of the White House for a stargazing event with the President. Among those invited to attend were AUI’s STEM Education Development Officer, Tim Spuck,...