
NAC Student Researchers Receive Prestigious Chambliss Medals at AAS 243

NAC Student Researchers Receive Prestigious Chambliss Medals at AAS 243

Miguel Montalvo and Nicolas (Nico) McMahon, student researchers from the National Radio Astronomy Observatory’s National Astronomy Consortium (NAC) program, were each awarded the prestigious Chambliss Astronomy Achievement Student Awards medal for exemplary research in astrophysics.

Can Astronomers Use Radar to Spot a Cataclysmic Asteroid?

Can Astronomers Use Radar to Spot a Cataclysmic Asteroid?

A new instrument concept from the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) called the next generation RADAR (ngRADAR) system will use the National Science Foundation’s Green Bank Telescope (GBT) and other current and future facilities to support planetary defense efforts.