The AUI Store
This page serves as a common gateway for online transactions for Associated Universities, Inc.
IAU-AUI Collaborative Fundraising Effort
Associated Universities Inc. (AUI) and the International Astronomical Union (IAU) have joined forces to support education and engagement efforts for the North American Regional Office of Astronomy for Development and the broader efforts of AUI and the IAU. AUI is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and as such U.S. contributions may be tax deductible. Click here to make your contribution today.

Big Astronomy Show Kit
When we think of big astronomy, we think of big telescopes. But PEOPLE enable discoveries. Explore world-class observatories, discover Chile as a premiere location for astronomy, and meet the diverse people driving discovery in this award-winning planetarium show. The Big Astronomy: People, Places, Discoveries show kit includes 4K domemasters, audio files, and educational and marketing materials.
Price: $500

ACEAP Program Registration
The Astronomy in Chile Educator Ambassadors Program takes astronomy education and outreach professionals to some of the largest and most sophisticated observatories/telescopes in the world! Check out the ACEAP website and apply today!
- $1030 – ACEAP 2022 non-refundable deposit
- $3704 – ACEAP 2022 final payment

AWB Nigerian Network Donation
Astronomers Without Borders Nigerian Network and AUI have established a partnership to support astronomy education and outreach efforts in Nigeria. Your contribution will support education efforts in schools and camps for internally displaced persons (IDP), and other important AWB Nigerian Network Activities.

Mission Patagonia
Mission Patagonia is a professional development program taking education and outreach professionals interested in ocean, environmental, and sustainability sciences to a remote research facility in northern Patagonia. For more information, visit the project website.
$1,030 – Mission Patagonia Registration Deposit ($1,000 Deposit + $30 credit card processing fee)
$1,990 – Mission Patagonia Registration Final Payment ($1,950 + $40 credit card processing fee)
$3,020 – One-Time Payment Registration Fee ($2,950 Registration + $70 credit card processing fee)