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Fact Sheets

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AUI—Why Partner With Us

AUI collaborates with the scientific community to plan, build, and operate cutting-edge facilities. AUI cultivates excellence, delivers value, enhances education, and engages the public.

AUI Education and Public Engagement (EPE)

Education and public engagement (EPE) has long been a component of AUI’s mission and goals. AUI continues to engineer a better future through excellence in STEM education and public engagement.

Man wearing a hard hat operates a drone at a mining facility.

Creating a Sustainable Future for Domestic Mining

To address the rising demand for critical materials, there is a need to develop and deploy technologies and processes that allow for additional extraction and processing, as well as reprocessing of materials with higher efficiency, lower environmental impacts, and expanded economic opportunities.

Establishing the Utah Center for Mining Excellence

Mining and processing of minerals and ores is an important part of the economy across the nation and will continue to be as the demand for clean technology deployment drives an increase in demand for copper, aluminum, and rare earth minerals.